Thursday, December 3, 2009

New In Theaters: Dec 4

Welcome to the first edition of my weekly feature, New In Theaters. The goal is to let readers know what's coming out in any given week, as well as let you know what I think is worth seeing based on the trailers. Each film gets a one sentence trailer review, and all titles link to either their trailer on an external site, or the appropriate blog entry.

Wide Releases:
Armored: Typical Hollywood thriller/heist gone wrong movie, with nothing to distinguish this one from the pack.
Brothers: This looks to be an overly dramatic bid to earn its three main actors, Oscar nominations.
Everybody's Fine: Just because you put a lot of famous people in a movie doesn't mean it'll be any good; you need more than that to impress me and this trailer doesn't have it.
Transylmania: Eurotrip with vampires.

Limited Releases
Serious Moonlight
: Looks to be a moderately amusing but entirely forgettable movie you take a date to.
Up In Air
: Reitman's excellent looking followup to Juno.

Pick of the Week: Up In Air. It looks to be a stylish comedy with a heart and a brain. Plus it's got the super talented, charismatic Mr. Clooney as the star. I can't see this one being bad. Roger Ebert says this one is a favorite to take win Best Picture. Too bad it's in a super limited release and most of us will have until Christmas to check it out. Among wide releases my top pick is Brothers. Sure this one looks to be a pretty shallow attempt to earn its leads acting nominations. Sure it looks like every emotional note in the film will be cranked up to 11, with no variance or subtlety, but at least it looks like it's trying to be good, which is more than I can say for the other wide releases this week. The rest look like shallow commerical fare, which is even less interesting than shallow Oscar bait.

1 comment:

  1. Brothers sounds interesting, but Im looking forward to seeing The Blind Side. I've got to get over a bad cold and sore throat first, before I can go see a movie :).
